JUNE 8, 2023

Digitalizing Material Traceability with TrakSYS™ Webinar


Improve Your Traceability

Want to make being audit ready as simple as possible? TrakSYS™ can help. Protect consumers, your brand, and your bottom line. Traceability in Production is Critical to Protecting Consumers and your Brand. For regulated plants, recording, tracking, and tracing the genealogy of raw materials, Work-in-Process (WIP), and go-to-market products is essential to regulatory compliance. Of course, a traceabilitysolution can do more than help you comply with regulations; when traceability data is providing real-time transparency, it can help you proactively limit the impact of any quality problem before the product is shipped.

Webinar Topics:

Topic 1 – Digital Material/Inventory Management

  • Warehouse to Final Product
  • Item Tracking
  • Location Tracking – storage, staging, production, shipping
  • Integration with WMS, LIMS, PLC/DCS, and ERP

Topic 2 – Efficient/Effective Tracking

  • Receiving Raw Material – managing individual items, lot numbers and Quality
  • Track lots and component level through intermediate and final
  • Reports for Spoilage (if applicable) and Cycle Count
  • Forward and Backward Genealogy

Topic 3 – Digitalized Workflow

  • Pre-Weigh
  • Consumption
  • QA issue resolution (real-time on plant floor)
  • Recall
  • Root Cause Analysis for plant floor QA issues and Recall


Nick Fejfar

Over the last decade, I have designed and implemented a variety of solutions for customers across the spectrum of industries. As a MES application engineer, I leverage that experience to provide the most appropriate solution to fulfill a customer's current and future needs.

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