Complete the Digital Control Room with Shiftconnector®: Enable your Supervisors and Superintendents to be more Efficient and Effective

Control Room digitalization at industrial manufacturing plants has largely been centered around Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) and Distributed Control Systems (DCS) and to a much lesser extent, various forms of home-grown electronic shift log and shift handover tools. And yes, Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) are becoming more prevalent in select industries. While PLC, DCS, and MES have had massive impact on site productivity and safety, the shift log and shift handover environments used at most facilities to date have generally not had the same impact.
Operations Management teams in industrial manufacturing will encounter challenges regularly. These challenges include managing day-to-day attendance, turnover, training, communication, change, equipment downtime, inventory shortfalls, performance expectations, safety protocols, efficient collaboration with other departments, etc. Perhaps the most challenging aspect of being an Operations Supervisor and Superintendent is the constant follow-up required to ensure that both routine and non-routine Tasks are assigned, being addressed, and are completed in a timely manner.
Moving to a Digital workflow solution in the Control Room is a game changer for Operations Supervisors and Superintendents, providing the perfect complement to PLC and DCS (and MES, when it is in play). While PLC, DCS, and MES provide automation to produce a good/product, Shiftconnector is an electronic Shift Log and Shift handover solution that enables a culture of accountability in industrial manufacturing by digitalizing all other activities that aren’t related to a specific batch or job. At its core, Shiftconnector® is a purpose-built Event management environment. Events are tracked and escalated through shift notes and shift handover and made visible through real-time tools including the 360⁰ overview, the morning meeting, the Plant Status module, and tier dashboard.
Shiftconnector’s Tier Collaboration Dashboard Supports a Structured Escalation and Communication Process
For example, the digital Tier Collaboration Dashboard allows for structured communication and problem escalation. They are typically also used as electronic Huddle Boards at the beginning and end of a shift. Tier Boards allow for presentation of information based on role. This creates greater awareness throughout an organization because every role can be presented with information that is most useful for them. For example, the Tier Board overview shown below can be made available to a Superintendent who can then drill down for more detailed information regarding active issues. The Tier Boards are customizable to make certain that each persona has access to the most relevant real-time information. Safety, Quality, Productivity, and Costs Issues will remain visible to the Superintendent until they are resolved.
Shiftconnector Tier Collaboration Dashboard Overview for the Superintendent
Similarly, there is great power in Shiftconnector’s Task management functionality. Whenever Events occur, team members can be tasked with filling out existing forms (that have been digitized in Shiftconnector) and then the Event, and all the Tasks initiated in response to the Event, are tracked to ensure that the Event has been properly addressed and documented. The Event and related Tasks will remain visible in Shiftconnector across shift change(s) until resolution is complete.
This is invaluable for Supervisors and Superintendents as it provides a real-time view of what tasks are assigned for the current shift, the upcoming shift, and in future shifts. Regardless of whether the assigned Tasks are routine or non-routine, they need to be managed through completion.
All on-deck Tasks are visible real-time for Operators and Operations Management
It is also possible to show scheduled Work Orders from your Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) on the same calendar or a separate calendar. And yes, Shiftconnector does support the Connected Worker via an on-line mode or through an off-line Mobile Rounds environment called Shiftconnector GO. That said, scheduled Mobile Rounds can also be displayed on the same calendar or a separate calendar.
Task management can include Tasks that don’t require supervisor authorization. These can be scheduled throughout the day, week, or at any frequency. It can also include more critical tasks that require traceability and supervisor approval. As an example, let’s consider the workflow required to request and authorize the bypassing of an interlock.
Rather than manage and route a paper or Excel form for approval, a digited form and electronic workflow can be used in Shiftconnector that matches your operational processes. The bypass workflow is managed from start to finish inclusive of audit trail and requires Supervisor and/or Superintendent approval throughout. Bypass status is always visible.
Manual and Excel Forms become obsolete in favor of Digitized Forms and Automated Workflow
Shiftconnector serves as a communication, collaboration, and accountability platform for the Operations team and other teams at a site. All team members have constant awareness of active Events along with the Tasks they are personally responsible for. Furthermore, supervisors and superintendents can easily see status of Tasks not completed and with a mouse click, they can see which team member is responsible for completing. A game changer indeed!
Digitized Bypass Form embedded in the Automated Workflow
Bypass Workflow is tracked from Draft through Inactive State
Status of High Priority Events and Open Tasks remain visible Shift to Shift
Shiftconnector completes the Digital Transformation of the Control Room. It is common to interface Shiftconnector with PLC, DCS, and MES to automatically trigger Events and Tasks for appropriate team member(s) to address. Work Orders can also be initiated directly from Shiftconnector to any CMMS for the Maintenance team to address.
Completing the Digital Control Room will bring greater visibility and awareness to all team members, especially to your Supervisors and Superintendents. Rather than constantly following-up on the status of open Tasks, your Supervisors and Superintendents can instead use their valuable time and energy to engage and work with their team members, helping them to maximize Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and become the Process Managers they need to be.
Jon Hall
Vice President, Digital Transformation
All images shown are representations of Shiftconnector by Eschbach.